Your Neutral Bay Wedding
Just minutes drive from Balmoral Beach, Taronga Zoo and our beautiful Sydney Harbour, Neutral Bay Uniting regularly hosts weddings for both church members and members of the public. Our space provides a classic church wedding with modern audio and visual technology.
Wedding Services & Fees
Your Wedding With Us - Step By Step
So you’d like to get married at Neutral Bay Uniting? We would be so thrilled to host your wedding. The best time to contact us is when you have a firm date.
Here at Neutral Bay Uniting we’re about building relationship with couples. We’re more than just a place to book a wedding, we’re a community. As such we require a sit down friendly catch up with our Minister before a wedding booking can take place.
Most couples prefer not to have weddings before 10am or after 7pm and weddings are not normally conducted on Sundays. However our Minister is willing to discuss any special request.
You don’t have to be a church goer to get married here. It is simply expected that those who are married in the Church will approach with sincerity the experience of Christian marriage that the wedding service symbolises.
We extend also a warm welcome to weddings for people in the LGBTI+ community.
There are certain legal requirements that apply to any marriage - notably that there is no existing marriage, and that if either party is under the age of 18, the parents' written consent will be given, as well as the consent of a Judge or Magistrate.
Different Religious Traditions
We welcome interfaith marriages or even if one partner has no faith at all.
Divorced Partners
Normally, the Minister is able to re-marry a divorced person(s). The Minister is not permitted to officiate at the marriage of a divorced person until the Decree Nisi has become absolute at least one calendar month prior to the wedding, and is available to be sighted before the final interview.
Our minister likes to sit down with couples before they choose Neutral Bay Uniting. Here we like to get to know you a bit, offering marriage counselling and talk through the legal particulars.
Our Minister is skilled at pre-marriage counselling which is a wonderful tool for couples as they prepare to deepen their relationship.
The Prepare Course
The Uniting Church offers the Prepare course which is a 3.5 hour course for couples.
Rehearsals are encouraged 1-3 days before the ceremony so you can feel confident in the particulars of the wedding and how the ceremony will flow.
All documents necessary for the wedding are supplied by the Church - one being completed at the last interview, and the others at various stages prior to the wedding. Other documentation is completed on the wedding day.
Weddings at Neutral Bay are a joyous affair. We try to blend the marriage rites of the Uniting Church with your own passions, joys and loves to make the day as special as possible.
The duration of the ceremony from the arrival of the couple to the time of leaving the Church, is approximately 35 minutes.
Orders of Service:
You may wish to have printed your own Order of Service.
We have an amazing organ and an organist can be booked by arrangement with our Minister, or you may wish to provide your own musicians. All fees for musicians (including organists) would be at your own cost.
Ministers Fee
There is also a Ministers fee which compensates the minister for his time.
Live Streaming
We have the facilities to live stream on Facebook, Youtube or Zoom. You will need to arrange your own technician to operate our equipment in consultation with the Minister, at your own expense.
There is usually street parking available or there is a Council car park on Barry Street.
Wheelchair access is available unfortunately there is no disabled parking.
For the purpose of printing, correspondence etc., would you please note that the correct name and physical location of Neutral Bay Uniting is:
St. Johns Uniting Church Neutral Bay
49a Yeo Street
Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
A Prepare Course may be done by the couple but this is now “online” and paid for by the couple.
Please note that this is a Uniting Church and other minsiters of other denominations are welcome to conduct weddings here on a case by case basis.